March 26, 2011

Vintage Thrifting in Wicker Park

Yesterday, my friend Amanda and I went on a little adventure in Wicker Park. Wicker Park is a super cool section of the wonderful city of Chicago. The area is known for it's cute boutiques, hip thrift stores, record stores, used bookshops, and a cafe with it's own Back to the Future Delorean.

It's basically the most magical place on earth, besides Disney World. Amanda and I had one goal: Thrift until we could thrift no longer. We also wanted to document all of our finds, so I grabbed my camera and out we went to catch the El.

BUT ALAS. No adventure is without it's set backs. It appeared that the battery had been taken out of the camera, a sad fact which was discovered when I went to take my first picture. It's quite lucky we live in the modern age, where most cell phones have cameras, so the hiccup was a tiny one.

Here are some shots of yours truly:

Waiting for the El.

If boots could complete a person...

My favorite gloves from Target.

And here are some shots of the lovely Amanda:

Ready to brave the Chicago cold.

Scarf straight from Dubai

Fantastic bag from JC Penny

As far as adventures go, it was quite successful. We had some interesting encounters with a couple creepers. Some guys came up to us with a wrinkled flier, stating it was national hug day (which, once researched, we discovered it was NOT). Subsequently, we were hugged. It happened so fast, we couldn't spurn their advances. Blast.

Then, there was the forward fellow who danced up on us, and wanted to take us shopping. His "hey baby, what's your name?" failed to woo either of us.

They weren't all creepy encounters, though! We were stopped and asked to give an interview by this Australian salon owner who was really awesome, and quite complimentary about our hair/styles. He also said we gave the best interviews he'd gotten so far, and he'd been all over the country. So, that was flattering!

I found these fantastic shoes at Buffalo Exchange, which is possibly my favorite shop in Wicker Park:

I'm deepy, deeply in love.

Amanda also found this cozy sweater at Buffalo Exchange:

Would you like some coco with that cozy?

I'll end with this adorable cabinet from a little boutique we popped into for a moment, but by our lives, we cannot remember the name of the place! Whoops...

Far too much cute.

Tonight, we venture into the city again, this time for my best friend Val's 21st Birthday party. Drunken hilarity will ensue, better pictures will be produced, and I cannot wait to show you all my outfit. It's one of my favorites!

I hope everyone's weekend has been outta this world so far. Stay lovely.


Meg! said...

That cardigan is amazing, why can't I ever find such cool things while thrifting?? Jealous.

Anonymous said...

<3 your boots ! ^^

The Cat Hag said...

Gosh, I wish we had such a good thrift-ing location here in Australia as well. So jealous!

You girls are looking great. :)

The Cat Hag

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

sweet boots! i love that they are sort of reddish. also, that cabinet...whhaaatt!? why didn't you buy it!? its awesome :)

Rosy (of Raindrops on Rosy) said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love the first pair of boots so much it makes my heart ache not having them.

Claire said...

great stuff at Buffalo Exchange. those shoes are so great!

you two seem like you had a fantastic time (and you look cute too!)

Alicia said...

Really like the red gloves!

Saucy Siciliana said...

You're very cute and you have good taste. I love the boots and the red gloves...RED is my color!:) I like fashion and make-up but I'm definitely no expert. I'm following you from Trapani, Sicily!

Sylvia said...

you guys are so freaking cute! i miss you both! where did you get your boots, trish? i've been trying to find a cute pair of edgy flat boots for a while...? and amanda's scarf is to die! those shoes you scored, too. want them!


i wander, i wonder