March 22, 2011

Head-wraps and Book-stacks

A simple up-do for your viewing pleasure. And bonus, the best part of my room: the red wall! If you're lucky, you'll get to see what color the rest of the walls are...

Anywho, this cute little 'do was super fast and easy to... well... do. 

  1. Roll your hair into a bun. Flatten it to your head and shift it slightly to one side.
  2. Bobby-pin it until your heart's content.
  3. Loosen the hair at the top of your head. Place your bangs behind your ears and secure if needed.
  4. Double wrap scarf/thick ribbon around your head, behind your ears.
  5. Pull some hair from behind your ears for a messy look.

That was a lot of talk about ears. You won't usually hear that from me, because I happen to be self-conscious about my overly thin ears. It's a problem.

You'll note I'm still wearing my comfy sweater. And why not?! Tis a cold night in Chicago, and I've got books to read and coco to drink.


Urban Scarlet said...

i'm loving this simple hair do tutorial. i think i might try since spring/summer weather is right around the corner ;)

Meg! said...

Y'know I never really wanted to put a scarf in my hair, but now I kind of want to play with the possibilities. You look so lovely, vintage and casual with your hair this way. Inspiiiired!