March 21, 2011

Moving In

I never really moved around as a child.

Real talk, I'm STILL living in the same house I was born in. Now, to be fair, I am a college student, still a youngin' as far as ages go. But what I'm getting at is this: I've never had to acclimate myself into a new neighborhood. 

Well, that's not entirely true. There was that one stint where I went away to school for a semester to a town who's biggest claim to fame was their greasy, gooey, cheesy Chubby Sticks... Not high on the fame Richter Scale, but, boy! Were they good...

Sorry, I was drooling. What am I getting at here? Oh, yes. I've never moved around, but I feel like I've had my fair share of trying to fit in. I know how it feels to be the new kid in town. What town, might you ask? Only the biggest town ever to have existed. Ever.

Of course, I speak of the one and only Internet. The biggest collection of people in one place ever to have been collected. Sure, they are all in different places, different homes, sitting on different armchairs, swivel chairs, yoga balls. But they still, at any given time, all reside in one place. One vast, endless place, where gossip abounds, intelligent discussions rage and everyone has something to show the world. The internet is kind of like Hollywood, in that respect.

It's no wonder everyone is trying to nab their 15 minutes of fame before their computer at the internet cafe runs out of time. Goodness knows I've made (and deleted) more failed blogs than I can count on various appendages. Any maybe I'm breaking some unwritten rule here, talking about the Fight Club of the internet, but blogs are many. And I am only one. Who's to say if anyone will ever actually read these words?

Regardless, my goal is to find my place in this huge, swollen neighborhood. It's growing and changing constantly, which only makes it more exciting to be a part of it. Which, as it happens, is all I want. My part. My 15 minutes, if you will. I'm not asking for fame here, and I highly doubt any will come. I only want to create my own little section of the neighborhood. A community of people, all loving and hoping for the same things. What those things are... We'll flesh those out as time goes on. But this is my letter to the neighborhood. This is my casserole to the community.

My name is Patricia, and I'm having a barbecue later if you'd all like to stop by!


Katherine said...

Did you just move to Soho? Just found your blog, looks like you just started - I'm your first follower :)

Breathebetter said...

Yes, new blog, but I unfortunately did not just move to Soho... I wish!

Thank you so much for the follow. I love your blog =)

Sylvia said...

yay, trish blogging! Good to see you in cyberspace, girl! I'm all about that casserole.

After blogging for some months now, I totally agree. The internet is so highly saturated with people trying to make themselves popular through it and it can be overwhelming but as long as you're doing it because its fun for you and your own personal journey then i'm all about that community! yay, and welcome!


Meg! said...

I'll go to your barbeque! And it takes a while to get to know other bloggers, let me tell you, but it seems you're off to a good start! Love it so far.