March 31, 2011

Forcing Early Bird Syndrome

I'm trying this new thing where I wake up everyday at 5:00. I did it the other day, forcibly, because I had to finish a lab for science. The funny thing was, I actually felt like I had more energy all day! So, now, I'm doing it willingly. I'll let you all know how it goes.

I finally got pictures from my friend Val's 21st birthday party! Here is the outfit that I just adore:

Skirt and shirt from A'gaci
Sarah and Val, friends from Life
Please excuse those unsightly beer cans and such! It was a 21st birthday, after all!

Now! Everyone, have a marvelous day. That is an order!


Sylvia said...

Adorable, Trish. Hope you guys had a great time!

i wander, i wonder

Alicia said...

Looks like fun :) Haha at 5, let me know how it goes indeed ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!