September 30, 2012

Super Good, Yes!

That's about all I know how to say in Ukrainian so far... This language is hard! But then again, all languages are hard for me. Slowly but surely, I'm picking it up.

My family is great! I play UNO with my host cestra Ina and her boyfriend Max every weekend. He tries to get me to say swear words in Ukrainian, but no way! You'll have to wake up pretty early to trick me into that! Haha, I did ask him the other day, "Max, what's your name?" My host family got a kick out of that.

Blogging is hard to keep up with, considering the amount of people I need to email. I'm going to try and do it every month! At least. Hopefully.

Loving life in Borova. This village is so welcoming.

Live long and prosper! Gosh, everything I'm writing is so spastic. It's okay. It's just the dubstep music of the Internet Cafe causing my adrenaline to rise.

September 23, 2012

The Jam Here is Incredible


So, I made it to Ukraine. It's insanely awesome here. My host family is great, and my cluster is excellent. I'm having to fight off some fruit flies, but they're the most of my worries. Learning the language is going well. I have limited internet access, so this has to be a bit short. I want to update my friends all the time, but I feel like this is still a huge transition, and I want to hear about their lives but it's hard to have a full convo when they're asleep and you're awake.

The landscape here is actually JUST like Chicago. Flatlands, lots of planes. I'm literally next door to my teacher's home. We're in kind of like a dual house thing? Like two houses put together. I forget the word. And the other 4 volunteers in my cluster are right next door, we're all neighors, so I'm very close. The town bazzar is a 15 minute walk, so everything is nearby, and I'm never by myself. Again, this family is fantastic! So helpful and patient. I took my first shower today, and it was warm! Victory! My family has a dog named Charlie, and he's adorable. They also have a cat, but I forget its name. My host family makes everything from scratch, the food is fabulous. Their jam and juice is insanely good. I'm learning Ukrainian slowly... Very slowly... Baby steps.

I miss home, my family, my friends, Maddie... but I'm incredibly honored to be here. Being with such a loving and vibrant family helps.

Love from Borova!