April 23, 2012

Yikes! And also, ouch.

That's pretty accurate to how I feel right now.

Last week, I finally sent in all the medical paperwork that I'd been working on for the past couple months. It's taken me forever for a variety of reasons... I'd been sick, my doctor had been away, I've been fighting to keep up with my last semester of college. But, much in the fashion of Mortal Kombat, I FINISHED IT!

The rumors were true. This portion of the application was not fun. It was nerve-wracking. It was expensive. It was detailed. Very, very detailed. It hurt (lots of needles). And it was filled with some twists I kind of kicked myself for not seeing. But it was a serious investment in my future life, and I'm very happy that I've been able to check it off the list of PC things to do.

Now, I wait. Whether the waiting will be easier or harder than the last couple months remains to be seen, but waiting is progress in regards to the PC application. From what I've read, it's a huge part of it, actually. It's important to get good and comfortable with waiting...

Next step: Graduation!