December 18, 2011

Little little

Govinda always says that when we're reading through his homework. "Little little," he says. Little by little, everyday, he improves.

Spending time with Govinda and his family has been such a wonderful experience. They are so kind and hospitable. They've helped show me what it means to be patient with oneself, something I feel is insurmountably valuable. Especially when I consider everything I'm doing in my life.

I've enrolled in a TEFL course, which is going really well so far. Also, I'm officially all set to tutor ESL students at my old high school. Going back regularly will be quite the adjustment, but it's one I'm excited to make. Leyden was my safe-haven for four years, and I'll never have anything but warm and fuzzy feelings about it. It feels like I'm going back home, which is fitting. I'll get to say goodbye to it equally, like I'm saying goodbye to all the things that I love before I leave.

Speaking of leaving, I've been keeping my recruiter updated with all my advancements. I'm hoping the steps I've taken will be enough to get me nominated next time around!

But honestly, any disappointment I felt from not being nominated right away has dissipated completely. Taking the TEFL course and tutoring will not only build my confidence with teaching others, it will create skills I didn't know I needed and prepare me for challenges I didn't know I'd face. It's important to get those things before going off, because getting them first in a foreign country would be even more challenging.

Everything happens for a reason. And I'll get there when I'm meant to. In the mean time, I'll simply keep learning. Little little.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

December 1, 2011

Building Up

Well, it wasn't the email I was hoping for. My recruiter informed me that I hadn't been nominated just yet. Was that something I was expecting? Not exactly. Should I have expected it? Probably.

While of course I am disappointed that my journey has been momentarily set back, I can't say I'm discouraged. In fact, I'm excited. This is just another facet of the adventure. I was told to continue volunteering, to really do what I could to make myself a more competitive applicant. And I fully intend to do just that. I need to build myself, and make myself the best volunteer I can possibly be while I'm still here in the States before I set sail to become one on a distant land.

So far, I'm looking into tutoring, particularly with those who are non-native speakers. ESL programs and the like. Also, I want to start a course for TEFL. I think that'll be helpful in the long run. I also intend to email my recruiter to see if he knows of any programs that could be particularly useful in making me a better volunteer and applicant.

This is only the beginning. From this point out, my focus will be on becoming the best, most competitive applicant I can possibly be.

Happy Building!

November 16, 2011

Do It All, and Do It All At Once

That's my new motto. Whether I took it all on willingly, or I suddenly found myself in the middle of all of these wonderful things - and sometimes I wonder which one of those answers is right - that statement has become a sort of mantra for me.

Being busy is a blessing. Especially when you're busy doing things you love. This semester has been so filled with things that I love. People that I care about. Causes that I can get behind. All of it is leading me to something very important - My own self-worth. Through the challenges I've faced through organizing Phi Upsilon's many events including our trip to the conference, being apart of a dynamic team such as Seeds, and learning to cross cultural lines with the Niraula Family, I've been able to confront of a lot of doubts I had within myself about myself. And I've broken them down.

Sometimes, it's my doubt that if I'm not solving the issue right at the moment, I'm failing. That's not the case. Sometimes, all I can do is what is possible in the moment. Sometimes, I have to wait for an email response or confirmation before I can go forward. Or, I have to wait for it not to be 2:00 in the morning. I've learned patience, and through that patience, the knowledge that I will take care of things as I am able to.

Other times, the doubt manifests itself in other people's belief (or assumed lack-thereof) in me. After making so many new friends at Northeastern, I began to see that these people cared about me. They wanted me to succeed. They set amazing examples that I was eager to follow. I began to reassess how I looked at myself.  Most times, when I believed someone was judging me, it was mostly because I was judging myself.  When I release myself from that self-inflicted judgement, I can see that everyone is on my side. Including myself.

Most times, the doubt stems from this deep-rooted idea that all things will go wrong. Why must that be the case? No way. I choose to believe that all's well that ends well. And how things end is really up to my perspective. If things don't go perfectly, that's alright. If things blow up in smoke, that's alright too. If I fail, I'll fail hugely, with as much heart and spunk as I can muster, being grateful for every lesson learned along the way. And that is a small success in itself, I think.

Happy Living, all!

P.S. As much as I was keeping up with NaNoWriMo before, that's how little I am now. I will catch up... Somehow... I have a feeling it'll involve lots of Orange Soda. And I'm okay with that.

November 10, 2011

All My Best Teachers Have Been Friends

Sometimes, I just want to write a love letter to each and every one of my friends. The ones I've had for years... The ones I've just made... The ones I no longer have...

I've heard it said that friends are the family you choose. So, fittingly, I chose to have a huge friend circle, much like my huge Greek family. Now, as much as I've tried to remedy this feeling, I've always had the nagging suspicion that I just didn't fit in with my "big fat Greek" family. I was the baby for a long time, and when I grew up, people didn't quite know where to place me any more than I knew where to place myself. I was a self-admitted oddball. And I was cool with that. So, instead of dwelling and feeling like an outsider, I simply focused on my chosen family. My friends. Who always made me feel like I was right where I belonged.

And my friends... Well, as the title states, they are my best teachers. I learn so much from them everyday. My admiration for them is quite endless, and I feel like I truly have the best friends ever. I feel like I got to the market early and picked the best apples before anyone else could snatch them up. But that's how everyone feels about their friends. Because everyone's friends fit them differently. If I asked you, you'd say that your friends were the best people in the whole wide world. And what's wonderful is that - for you and your own personal world - you would be right.

My friends are extraordinary. They hold in them attributes that I long to have for myself. They reveal in me the person that I want to be. And what's more: They support me in becoming that person.

As I continue on this journey through my Peace Corps application, I can't help but think about how much I'm going to miss them when I leave. But I am grateful that, through knowing them, I might carry with me their drive, tenacity, creativity, and kindness. And hopefully, I will convey those traits as I go abroad and extend my friendship to others, so that they might extend their friendship back to me.

Happy Good Feelings, all!

November 8, 2011


I like picking out clothing for the next day before I go to sleep. There's something about it that just makes me feel like I'm oh-so on top of things. It's kind of like writing every thing down in my planner. Makes me feel one step ahead. Which is probably good for me, because I'm pretty slow when it comes to races. Having a head start will probably mean that I'll finish just on time!

Speaking of being on the ball, NaNoing has been going quite well this year! I suppose I have Aaron to thank for that. I wasn't even going to do it until he used his Jedi Mindtrick logic on me. I'm glad he did. It's going well. My character's name is Hester Finn, and she's unlike anything I've ever written before. I think I'm fairly in love with her and the story she's been leading me around. She's very kind. She introduces things slowly, always making sure to hold my hand. Much different than Andy Hayden, who threw me into scenes and demanded I get everything down at once, before it transitioned clumsily with great speed into the next scene.

That there's my NaNo hat.
It keeps all the good ideas from flying out through my hair.

My Bhutanese family adventure has been going well. I'm so grateful do be doing it with Arielle, who continually proves herself to be the sweetest and most enthusiastic partner throughout our visits. Last week, we only got to visit with Hadi, but that was nice. The other times, there had been more focus on Govinda and the other family members. Now, Hadi speaks little-to-no English. So, as to be expected, there was a lot of silence. But when we managed to exchange a few English and Nepalese words, there was also a lot of laughter. And laughter is a language everyone can understand! We showed her pictures of our family, which she really enjoyed. Arielle and I are going to take pictures with the family in the coming weeks so we can give those as presents for the holiday season.

My goal for the coming week is to either get a Nepalese phrase book or to write out some important phrases I want to convey for our next visit. I want to ask Hadi if she needs any help around the house. Can I help prepare a dish of food with her. Would she like to go for a walk. Also, when we left last week, she seemed a bit disappointed, like she wanted us to stay longer. I'm going to call Durga to see if we can come earlier, this way we won't have to rush to beat the traffic.

No PC updates just yet. This here is limbo time, and I know I should get used to it now, because this is nothing. Just wait for medical and dental clearance... For the time being, I'm doing my darnedest to focus on school, NaNoWriMo, and my visits with Govinda and his family. It shan't be so hard, as those are all wonderful things to be focusing on, I think.

Happy Weather, all!

October 31, 2011


I grapple with the truth sometimes. I think this is because I try and be honest and kind... And I believe that everyone else, or at least most everyone else, tries to be the same. And their truth... It might be different than my truth. Because it's all about perspective. And then I begin to mess around with... Well, who's truth is true? Is it mine? Yours? Both? Neither?

It's a problem, and it causes me to stop a lot. But then, I remind myself to leave my own mind, and focus on doing what feels natural and right to me in the moment, and not concern myself so much with other people's truths. 

I'm hard on myself. I forget, sometimes, that I have to live in here.

It's been one of those nights filled with lots of heavy-headed thinking. Probably due to the fact that I had an overly full weekend. That's always how it goes for me. But now, after clearing my head, I can get a good night's sleep, and start fresh with a new day!

And... My Peace Corps interview went well. Now, I wait for nomination!

Happy Halloween!

October 22, 2011



I met my Bhutanese family yesterday, but not before getting seriously lost in the city... So lost that we were nearly an hour late for our meeting. Let me tell you, Mapquest is not my friend.

My partner for this Bhutanese adventure is a very sweet freshman by the name of Arielle. Actually, everyone I met yesterday was really sweet... Which just made me feel all the worse when I got super stressed at the driving messes. But, boy! Were they messes! Lost on the way there. Lost on the way back. The only place I felt "found" was at my family's apartment.

They don't have a lot, but they're quite content. They seemed so happy to have us there working with them. We all spoke together for a little, getting to know one another. At the end, Arielle sat with Govinda, the head of the home. He can read and write in English a bit, so they were working together reading and spelling words from his lessons.

I sat with Hadi, his wife. She cannot read or write in Bhutanese or English, so I spent my time with her pointing to various objects. She would tell me how to say it in Nepali, and I would then tell her the word in English. This became rather challenging, because again, not a lot of items in the room. I've never had to practice English like this before, so I'm thinking picture flashcards might be a good investment for her.

I did teach Govinda how to say "Thank you" and "You're Welcome." I wrote them out after saying it a couple times. Thank you is such a commonplace thing to say... So, being able to teach it made me feel really nice. The ability to express gratitude is a gift and I'm happy to say that Govinda taught me how to say thank you in Nepali, too! Dhanybhad, Govinda!

Speaking of gratitude: I am outrageously grateful for all the exciting developments in my life, this Refugee volunteering included. As my days fill up, so does my heart. I'd like to do it all, but sometimes choices have to be made. Options weighed. And I can do it all... Just not all at the same time!

As I start to fill my time with things I genuinely love to do, my life grows in richness. I can't wait to share my riches with the world that has made such a wonderful existence possible.

So, Namaste and Dhanybhad, world!

October 20, 2011

Interview, or Taking Inventory of Your Existence

Next week, at around this time, I'll be heading downtown on the train to my very first Peace Corps interview.

Oh, gosh.

I am so excited and nervous. The initial application process was kind of a rush. Lots of information about myself that needed to be gathered. It's interesting how applications make you stop and take inventory of your existence. They ask: what have you done; who are you; who do you want to be. It's both terrifying and healing, in it's own respective ways. But your identity on paper... Well, it's just that. It's the interview where your recruiter will really get a sense of who you are.

There are parts about my existence that worry me in regards to being called to serve. Like the fact that Andrew and I only recently broke up... And the fact that I transferred colleges four times. That's not the type of stuff they like to see. They like to see unattached people, strong in the current of chance. Malleable to any situation.

I like to think I am that person now, but wasn't always. We are constantly fluctuating beings. And while I wasn't always the sound, steady person I am now.... I was always a person who wanted to serve in the Peace Corps. When I realized that I could actually serve, really do so confidently, I worked at making myself the best person I could be for the job. I only hope my recruiter thinks so as well.

In other volunteering news, I start with Exodus World Services tomorrow! I can't wait to meet my Bhutanese family and really get to know them. I'm also excited to meet Arielle, my Refugee partner. I want to make a connection with the family. Really become an ally for them in this difficult time. I want to be there for them in the way that they truly need me, not just in the way that I think I should be there for them.

So, lots of exciting things! Off to make an egg sandwich and read for class.

Have a lovely day all!

September 1, 2011

Starting Something Big

Can something referred to as "big" still be an understatement? Something being called an understatement suggests that it is small, so am I creating an oxymoron by saying that "big is an understatement"?

Maybe. But either which way, that is not the point.

Here it is:

This blog has officially taken on a different purpose. From now on, it is here I will map out my new journey. From the very beginning to the very end.

I should probably let you know what I'm talking about.

I am applying for the Peace Corps.

I am about one day away from submitting my application. Which is both terrifying and exciting. Mostly exciting. I think?

I wish my parents would get on board. They have concerns, naturally, because they love me and they know this isn't exactly the safest thing to do.

But I think it's the most amazing thing to do. And amazing things - adventurous things - aren't usually safe. I will do my best to stay safe, as I'm sure the Peace Corps people will do their best to keep me safe. I just have a passion for helping people, and trying new things. I really can't think of a better way to do both of those things.

Here, allow me to tell you how I feel through Mumford and Sons:

More once my application is officially submitted. I hope you'll join me on this journey. 

If not, I'm alright to go at it alone. All good journeys seem to begin that way anyway, don't they?

April 10, 2011

Stealing Rays

Pardon my absence. Boy, can school throw off a perfectly good month! School and work. Pesky little things, aren't they!? Building a solid foundation for my future can be tiresome... Woe to me. But real talk, things have gotten a tad busy. I'm glad I was able to take a moment during work today to take some pictures with Amanda for you all! Completely her idea by the way. She called me about a half hour before work started and told me to get cute, because we'd be taking pictures. Good thing she did, or else I probably wouldn't have even showered....

Shameful lazy confessions all up in this blog today!

Anywho, on to the outfits. First truly warm day in Chicago, and it showed! Everyone was out of the house today, just being outside. Amanda and I decided it was too nice of a day to wear pants. So, dresses it was! Mine was a comfortable little sun dress from Target, her's was a cute vintage getup from Anthropologie.

Dress from Target, Tree from Work

Dress from Anthropologie, Picnic Table from Work

It was windy, but we persevered. Honestly, weather-wise, today was perfect. That tiny taste of summer will last me until it's actually here. I realized that we Midwest people really appreciate good weather when we have it, because we know all too well what it's like when the weather turns ugly.

We took some fun pictures outside. Amanda is really handy with a camera. Eventually, the fun had to end, and we went back into our stuffy, windowless office...

Salutations from Customer Service Land! We are told our customers can hear us smiling through the phone. Can you sense me smiling as I type this?

Good, 'cause I totally was.

Happy weather, everyone!

March 31, 2011

Today's Outfit

Hello again, all. I hope you're all having outrageously awesome days. My day was filled with school and sleepiness. That's what I get for staying up all night the night before! I have a slight funk about me... But these things do happen sometimes. I'm sure tomorrow will lift my spirits. I'm spending the day with my god-sister Anastasia, laser tagging and movie going. Good times.

I shall ado no further! Here is my outfit:

Yeahhh, I'm a dork... Mad good weekends, everyone!

Forcing Early Bird Syndrome

I'm trying this new thing where I wake up everyday at 5:00. I did it the other day, forcibly, because I had to finish a lab for science. The funny thing was, I actually felt like I had more energy all day! So, now, I'm doing it willingly. I'll let you all know how it goes.

I finally got pictures from my friend Val's 21st birthday party! Here is the outfit that I just adore:

Skirt and shirt from A'gaci
Sarah and Val, friends from Life
Please excuse those unsightly beer cans and such! It was a 21st birthday, after all!

Now! Everyone, have a marvelous day. That is an order!

March 26, 2011

Vintage Thrifting in Wicker Park

Yesterday, my friend Amanda and I went on a little adventure in Wicker Park. Wicker Park is a super cool section of the wonderful city of Chicago. The area is known for it's cute boutiques, hip thrift stores, record stores, used bookshops, and a cafe with it's own Back to the Future Delorean.

It's basically the most magical place on earth, besides Disney World. Amanda and I had one goal: Thrift until we could thrift no longer. We also wanted to document all of our finds, so I grabbed my camera and out we went to catch the El.

BUT ALAS. No adventure is without it's set backs. It appeared that the battery had been taken out of the camera, a sad fact which was discovered when I went to take my first picture. It's quite lucky we live in the modern age, where most cell phones have cameras, so the hiccup was a tiny one.

Here are some shots of yours truly:

Waiting for the El.

If boots could complete a person...

My favorite gloves from Target.

And here are some shots of the lovely Amanda:

Ready to brave the Chicago cold.

Scarf straight from Dubai

Fantastic bag from JC Penny

As far as adventures go, it was quite successful. We had some interesting encounters with a couple creepers. Some guys came up to us with a wrinkled flier, stating it was national hug day (which, once researched, we discovered it was NOT). Subsequently, we were hugged. It happened so fast, we couldn't spurn their advances. Blast.

Then, there was the forward fellow who danced up on us, and wanted to take us shopping. His "hey baby, what's your name?" failed to woo either of us.

They weren't all creepy encounters, though! We were stopped and asked to give an interview by this Australian salon owner who was really awesome, and quite complimentary about our hair/styles. He also said we gave the best interviews he'd gotten so far, and he'd been all over the country. So, that was flattering!

I found these fantastic shoes at Buffalo Exchange, which is possibly my favorite shop in Wicker Park:

I'm deepy, deeply in love.

Amanda also found this cozy sweater at Buffalo Exchange:

Would you like some coco with that cozy?

I'll end with this adorable cabinet from a little boutique we popped into for a moment, but by our lives, we cannot remember the name of the place! Whoops...

Far too much cute.

Tonight, we venture into the city again, this time for my best friend Val's 21st Birthday party. Drunken hilarity will ensue, better pictures will be produced, and I cannot wait to show you all my outfit. It's one of my favorites!

I hope everyone's weekend has been outta this world so far. Stay lovely.

March 23, 2011

Falling to Temptation: Ice Cream Edition

After writing today's previous blog post, I got to craving. Hankering, if you will. I wanted Cookie Dough ice cream like it was no body's business. Which it, in fact, was not. (With the exception of my best friend, Adrianna, whom I promptly texted the following before making any rash decisions: "Question. I'm tired, not well, it's cold. But I seriously want ice cream. Do I go get some?") Braving the Chicago mist -- at this point, it cannot fairly be called snow -- I raced to my friendly neighborhood Dominick's.

Of course, it started innocently enough with the acquisition of the Cookie Dough, as great quests often do.

But from there, things quickly got out of hand... I spotted Cheesecake Brownie ice cream, and I froze. And not just because I was in the freezer isle either! I knew what had to be done.

I fear I fall into that classification of humans who "can't be tamed." But worry not. I have a large spoon, which is appropriately paired with my large appetite.

Blog life.

Thinking Beautiful

What a quote! It makes me think about all the things I've ever considered ugly. That old sweater. A failed relationship. Heck, even some of my friend's new hairstyles... Don't tell them that! But are all those things truly and completely ugly? If you're like me, it's likely at one point, you indeed thought they were. When it comes to looking back on past relationships, it's especially likely that things were -- or are -- a complete mess. Your thoughts can't help but focus on all the bad mojo surrounding the memories.

The thing about thoughts is this: When you have one, you instantly stem another. That's just the way our fascinating and mysterious minds work. And that is precisely the reason why many of us often find ourselves falling into an endless thought spiral. Thought Spirals are dangerous, tricky foes that pull us down and cloud our vision. They usually end with frantic phone calls to your best friend, endless hours Googling for answers, and copious amounts of ice cream.

When you think something is ugly, and you write it off as such, you're only allowing your mind to cultivate more ugly thoughts. And Ugly Thought Spirals? Well, those are the worst kind of Thought Spirals.

Taking the time to look past how hurtful, uncool, or ugly something may seem and seeing the joy, effort, and beauty in it instead could completely shift your thoughts to a happier, lovelier place. Changing your established perception is difficult, to be sure, but it's worth the time and brainpower. It may even bring you closer to gaining some insight or healing some wounds. Whenever I fall into an Ugly Thought Spiral, and I'm elbow-deep in a vat of Crazy-For-Cookie-Dough Ice Cream, I remind myself to think of all the beauty instead. I remind myself to appreciate my life for exactly what it is.

Then I continue eating my ice cream.

What? I think we can all agree, ice cream is a most beautiful thing!
Being a customer service representative, I dig that work can be a drag. But, having something fun like this to watch/listen to can certainly break up the monotony. Tis a feast for the eyes and ears! Zooey Deschanel is just adorable in that skirt. I also envy her long hair. Heck, the whole video is just peachy. 

I haven't listened to much She & Him, but this song got my toe a'tapping. I'll have to investigate them further.

I hope it lifts your spirits!

March 22, 2011

Head-wraps and Book-stacks

A simple up-do for your viewing pleasure. And bonus, the best part of my room: the red wall! If you're lucky, you'll get to see what color the rest of the walls are...

Anywho, this cute little 'do was super fast and easy to... well... do. 

  1. Roll your hair into a bun. Flatten it to your head and shift it slightly to one side.
  2. Bobby-pin it until your heart's content.
  3. Loosen the hair at the top of your head. Place your bangs behind your ears and secure if needed.
  4. Double wrap scarf/thick ribbon around your head, behind your ears.
  5. Pull some hair from behind your ears for a messy look.

That was a lot of talk about ears. You won't usually hear that from me, because I happen to be self-conscious about my overly thin ears. It's a problem.

You'll note I'm still wearing my comfy sweater. And why not?! Tis a cold night in Chicago, and I've got books to read and coco to drink.

Mine is a Simple Style

Whatever fashion sense I have, I doubt it could be called flashy. There was that one time back in 6th grade where bright-blue glitter eyeshadow was my favorite thing, but that was a dark time we no longer speak of. Now-a-days, my fashion is simple. Simple and comfortable. Simple, comfortable and easy. Just how I like my tea. And life.

Today, I wanted to wear an outfit that would define my fashion-sense for all you lovely beings out there. This is that outfit:

{Sweater: My Dad's closet, Jeans: Target, Boots: Steve Madden, Necklace: Heartsmith}

Now, here's the issue: while I love this outfit, I don't really think it defines my fashion-sense. Maybe it defines  today's style, but this certainly isn't how I always look. On any given day, I could easily be mistaken for a Muppet out of The Labyrinth or Anne Hathaway after her makeover in The Devil Wears Prada. It really all depends.

A lot of factors go into the creation of an outfit. Today's factors were weather, work, and limited selection. Basically, it's raining, I had to go into work and all my fabulously expensive outfits were at the cleaners... Indefinitely. Don't worry, none of those things got me down! No, ma'am. But this situation did require thinking outside of the box -- or rather, thinking outside my closet. I meandered recklessly through my house, searching for some spark of inspiration. From room to room I went, leaving no drawer unopened, no door left shut. 

When I came to my father's room, I had little hope that this would be the place to find my outfit. Boy, was I wrong! Father's closets are goldmines. Huge sweaters for the hugging, button down shirts for the tucking! The moment I saw that sweater you see above, I knew I had met my match. Thick, substantial cotton. An interesting, accentual pattern. The perfect mate for a gloomy day.

While fashion isn't my main love, I do enjoy creating outfits now and then. It's an easy way to give your overall confidence a little boost. Whenever I wear something worth showing, I promise you'll be the first to know. After all, fashion is more fun when you share it!

March 21, 2011

Moving In

I never really moved around as a child.

Real talk, I'm STILL living in the same house I was born in. Now, to be fair, I am a college student, still a youngin' as far as ages go. But what I'm getting at is this: I've never had to acclimate myself into a new neighborhood. 

Well, that's not entirely true. There was that one stint where I went away to school for a semester to a town who's biggest claim to fame was their greasy, gooey, cheesy Chubby Sticks... Not high on the fame Richter Scale, but, boy! Were they good...

Sorry, I was drooling. What am I getting at here? Oh, yes. I've never moved around, but I feel like I've had my fair share of trying to fit in. I know how it feels to be the new kid in town. What town, might you ask? Only the biggest town ever to have existed. Ever.

Of course, I speak of the one and only Internet. The biggest collection of people in one place ever to have been collected. Sure, they are all in different places, different homes, sitting on different armchairs, swivel chairs, yoga balls. But they still, at any given time, all reside in one place. One vast, endless place, where gossip abounds, intelligent discussions rage and everyone has something to show the world. The internet is kind of like Hollywood, in that respect.

It's no wonder everyone is trying to nab their 15 minutes of fame before their computer at the internet cafe runs out of time. Goodness knows I've made (and deleted) more failed blogs than I can count on various appendages. Any maybe I'm breaking some unwritten rule here, talking about the Fight Club of the internet, but blogs are many. And I am only one. Who's to say if anyone will ever actually read these words?

Regardless, my goal is to find my place in this huge, swollen neighborhood. It's growing and changing constantly, which only makes it more exciting to be a part of it. Which, as it happens, is all I want. My part. My 15 minutes, if you will. I'm not asking for fame here, and I highly doubt any will come. I only want to create my own little section of the neighborhood. A community of people, all loving and hoping for the same things. What those things are... We'll flesh those out as time goes on. But this is my letter to the neighborhood. This is my casserole to the community.

My name is Patricia, and I'm having a barbecue later if you'd all like to stop by!