June 13, 2012

If You're Down

There is a place so lovely, and so full of life. Some lucky few are born into this place living and breathing. See, they could have been born into a rock. Or a tree. Or they could have been one of the tiny floating specks in a river full of specks. But no, not these lucky few. They were given life. Sometimes, it got messy and dangerous and scary. There were times when those lucky few didn’t feel so very lucky at all. But they were living and breathing and thinking and even sometimes smiled and laughed and felt wonderful. Sometimes these lucky few cried and thought how nice it would be to just be a rock or a tree or a speck. But someone came along and reminded them that they were lucky. They were special. They had been given rare gifts like hands and eyes and mouths and feet and thoughts and the great and terrifying gift of a heart. And with those hands, they poked at their surroundings, touching everything around them, though sometimes they didn’t believe so. And with those eyes they saw sunlight and art and read words off of pages filled with stories just as sad and wonderful as theirs. And with those mouths they spoke words that no one else had uttered ever before, because they were theirs. With feet, they traveled. With thoughts, they dreamed. And with their hearts, they loved. These lucky few were free to love deeper and with more power than any other thing in this rare place. Sometimes, they forgot how use their hearts, or they broke. But other times, these lucky few got to hold love in their beating, living hearts. And it was in those moments that they truly appreciated how lucky and few they actually were.

There is a place like this, with these lucky few.

If you look hard enough, I think you’ll see it's right where you are.

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