October 20, 2011

Interview, or Taking Inventory of Your Existence

Next week, at around this time, I'll be heading downtown on the train to my very first Peace Corps interview.

Oh, gosh.

I am so excited and nervous. The initial application process was kind of a rush. Lots of information about myself that needed to be gathered. It's interesting how applications make you stop and take inventory of your existence. They ask: what have you done; who are you; who do you want to be. It's both terrifying and healing, in it's own respective ways. But your identity on paper... Well, it's just that. It's the interview where your recruiter will really get a sense of who you are.

There are parts about my existence that worry me in regards to being called to serve. Like the fact that Andrew and I only recently broke up... And the fact that I transferred colleges four times. That's not the type of stuff they like to see. They like to see unattached people, strong in the current of chance. Malleable to any situation.

I like to think I am that person now, but wasn't always. We are constantly fluctuating beings. And while I wasn't always the sound, steady person I am now.... I was always a person who wanted to serve in the Peace Corps. When I realized that I could actually serve, really do so confidently, I worked at making myself the best person I could be for the job. I only hope my recruiter thinks so as well.

In other volunteering news, I start with Exodus World Services tomorrow! I can't wait to meet my Bhutanese family and really get to know them. I'm also excited to meet Arielle, my Refugee partner. I want to make a connection with the family. Really become an ally for them in this difficult time. I want to be there for them in the way that they truly need me, not just in the way that I think I should be there for them.

So, lots of exciting things! Off to make an egg sandwich and read for class.

Have a lovely day all!

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